Have you experienced great customer service from a CCSD employee?
Have you observed exemplary behavior...a CCSD employee going the extra mile?
What is a RAVE Review?
A RAVE (Recognize A Valued Employee) Review is an unsolicited acknowledgement of a CCSD employee who has demonstrated a special effort, a job well done, a project of quality workmanship and/or a caring and sensitive attitude. A RAVE review is not just a pat on the back for doing a good job. Rather it is recognition for something exemplary and gives you the opportunity to recognize a CCSD employee who has truly gone above and beyond the call of duty.
Who can submit a RAVE Review?
Students, parents, teachers, administrators, coworkers, and all community members.
Please fill out the form below and briefly describe the effort, project, or situation for which our employee deserved recognition. If your RAVE Review is approved, the recipient will receive a certificate.